Wednesday, July 08, 2009

Kurt Doesn't Like Internet Links!

So when something is fun or interesting on the internet you send the link to your friends right? Well i learned the hard way (once again) that Kurt is not my friend. I look at every link he send me. All the lame political humor he likes, links to buy a shirt from a weird internet site even a link to his own site so he can brag about how funny he is. Then the one day i send him a link of a guy who creates his own music. All it is, is this guy being a artist and creating. Its not offensive and is only about 5 min long. Hell you don't have to watch it only listen and what does Kurt say to all this, well here is the IM convo we had:

Ry-Ry: Check out this musician he does all his own music...
Kurt: I can't stand it.
Kurt: I'm not kidding.
Kurt: The thumping of the drum hurt my ears.
Kurt: Dude.
Kurt: I don't care about this.
Ry-Ry: Really im sorry to have bothered you with this, I was just trying to show you something cool and interesting
Kurt: I mean it i dont all.
Kurt: I swear.

The hate still grows after all these years.